“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
A Message from Pastor Jason
"Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
What Is Prayer Square?
It’s time to go public. Prayer Square is a call to take prayer to your public spaces. Join us in inviting God back to the public square where He belongs.
How Do I Start?
Decide to pray, submit your Prayer Square location below, get your red tape. Stay updated at www.mastersroad.com/myprayersquare.
Where Do I Make My Prayer Square?
This is completely up to you! Pray about which public space you feel God is putting on your heart. It could be where you work, a parking lot, a side walk, a school, office. Any public space! Your Prayer Square can go wherever you go.
What Am I Praying For?
We are praying for God to intervene in the world we live in. While there is no substitute for private prayer, we believe in the power of a public prayer as well. Pray as the Lord leads you. You can find weekly prayer prompts at www.mastersroad.com/myprayersquare as well.
How Do I Pray?
Humbly and boldly. You can pray as an individual, a family or as a group. You can pray daily, weekly, at one location or many locations. Just mark your Prayer Square with red tape, submit your Prayer Square location so we can pray with you, and let's watch God move together.
Submit A Prayer Square Location
Check Out All The Local Prayer Squares
Submit Your Prayer Square Story
Do you have a story to tell? We want to celebrate with you!